Skip to content
- 10. Developing Trusting Relationships
- 11. Keeping Sessions on Track
- 12. Exiled Parts of Your System
- 13. Being Allowed In
- 14. Uncovering Your Pain
- 15. How Exiles Developed
- 16. Finding Where It Started
- 17. Caring For an Inner Child
- 18. Healing a Wounded Child
- 19. Transforming a Protective Role
- 20. Supporting the Therapy Process
- 7. Being Open and Curious
- 8. Knowing Yourself
- 9. Befriending Yourself
- A Concerned Part won’t Step Aside
- A System of Inner People
- Abuse and Survivors of Abuse
- Acceptance
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
- Accountability
- Addiction & Substance Use
- Adherence to Your Budget
- Afterword: What Now?
- Agreement
- Agreement and Terms of Use
- Alternate Rebellion for Impulse Control
- An Exercise in Thanksgiving
- Anger Management
- Anger Plan Objectives and Interventions
- Anger the Universal Emotion
- Appreciation
- Approach to Coaching
- Atlas of the Heart
- Attention and the Brain
- Awe
- Balancing Doing Mind and Being Mind
- Basic Concepts of IFS
- Becoming Centered
- Begin Planning
- Being Open and Curious
- Beneficent Parts with Extreme Roles
- Benefits of Mindfulness
- Blog Posts
- Building Resilience Through Solitude
- Character Strengths
- Coaching Motivation and Discipline
- Coaching Program Course Instructions
- Coaching Program Index of Emotions
- Coaching Program Intake & Assessment
- Coaching Program Terms and Conditions
- Coaching Program: Create an Action Plan
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Multimedia
- Cognitive Biases
- Cold Water Stress Reduction Technique
- Common Parts and Roles of Protectors
- Content Creation
- Coping with Solvable Problems
- Cost Benefit Analysis Exercise
- Cost Benefit Analysis Lesson
- Couples and Relationship Principles
- Course Lesson: Mindful Breathing Techniques
- Create a Budget
- Create a New Account
- Create Shared Meaning
- Create Your Crisis Plan
- Critical Thinking
- Critical Thinking Course
- Critical Thinking Skills
- Critical Thinking Skills Multimedia
- Daily Guided Meditations
- Daily Maintenance
- Daily Maintenance Assertiveness Skills
- Daily Maintenance Developing New Skills
- Daily Maintenance Plan Critical Thinking
- Daily Maintenance Plan Emotional Domain
- Daily Maintenance Plan Evening Routine
- Daily Maintenance Plan Financial Domain
- Daily Maintenance Plan Meditation
- Daily Maintenance Plan Mindfulness
- Daily Maintenance Plan Moral Domain
- Daily Maintenance Plan Parts Work
- Daily Maintenance Plan Physical Domain
- Daily Maintenance Plan Pleasant Activities
- Daily Maintenance Plan Psychological Domain
- Daily Maintenance Plan Reference Websites
- Daily Maintenance Plan Social Domain
- Daily Maintenance Plan Wake Up Early
- Daily Practice Log
- DBT Increasing Positive Emotions
- DBT Mindfulness How Skill Effective
- DBT Mindfulness How Skill Nonjudgmental
- DBT Mindfulness How Skill One Mindful
- DBT Mindfulness What Skill Describe
- DBT Mindfulness What Skill Participate
- DBT Mindfulness What Skill: Observe
- DBT Skill Building Mastery Daily Practice
- DBT Skills and IFS Concepts
- Detector Questionnaire
- Dialectical Abstinence & Harm Reduction
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy Multimedia
- Dialectics – The Middle Path
- Distraction with ACCEPTS
- Distress Tolerance Skills Training Module
- Distress Tolerance STOP Skill
- Distress Tolerance TIPP Skills
- Diversity and Inclusivity in Health and Wellness
- Domains of Wellness
- Eat a Nutritious Breakfast
- Edit Profile
- Educational Courses
- Embracing Connection
- Emotion Regulation Check the Facts
- Emotion Regulation Skills Training Module
- Emotional Boundaries
- Emotional Intelligence
- Emotional Self-Compassion Practices
- Emotions & Physical Vulnerability
- End the Gridlock
- Enhance Your Love Maps
- Entering the Exciting World of Critical Thinking
- Evaluating Couples Therapy Effectiveness
- Exercise Detecting a Part that has Taken Over
- Exercise Tracking Feelings During Dialogue
- Exercise Tracking the Parts that Hold Feelings
- Exercise: Keeping Track of Your Parts
- Exercise: Mindfulness of Current Thoughts
- Exercise: The In Law Problem
- Exercise: Tracking Repetitive Interactions
- Exercise: Unblending from a Concerned Part
- Exercising Self with Awareness of the Breath
- Exiled Experiences of Demands and Expectations
- Exiled Parts Created by Trauma and Stressors
- Exiles Managers and Firefighters
- Exploring Your Own System
- Family Rituals
- Fondness and Admiration
- Forgive Yourself
- Free Will, Willpower, and Choices
- Getting Acquainted Inside
- Getting Started
- Getting to Know Your Parts
- Glossary
- Glossary of Words and Terminology
- Goals Exercise 3
- Goals of a Spiritual Mindfulness Practice
- Goals of Mindfulness Practice
- Gottman Exercise Your Last Argument
- Gottman Harsh Start Up Questionnaire
- Gottman Say Thank You
- Guided Parts Work Session Meditations
- Habits, Routines, Rituals, and Practice
- Healing and Transformation
- Health and Wellness Program Planning
- Help Sheet 1: Getting to know a Protector
- Hidden Dreams Exercise 1
- How and Why a Health and Wellness Plan Works
- How Exiles Developed
- How I Predict Divorce
- How Meditation Affects the Brain
- How to be an Adult in Relationships
- How To Use This Course
- Ideas for Practicing Describing
- Ideas for Practicing Effectiveness
- Ideas for Practicing Nonjudgmentalness
- Ideas for Practicing Observing
- Ideas for Practicing One Mindfulness
- Ideas for Practicing Participating
- Ideas for Practicing Wise Mind
- Identifying and Accessing Parts of Your Subconscious
- IFS Conclusion and Final Thoughts
- IFS Introduction
- IFS Parts Check In
- IFS Parts Work
- IFS Philosophy and Science
- IFS Results
- IFS Techniques Part 1
- IFS Techniques Part 2
- IFS Techniques Part 3
- IFS Techniques Part 4
- IFS with Couples Conclusion
- IFS Wrapping Up the Course
- Implementing Your Wellness Action Plan
- Integration & Ongoing Practice
- Internal Family Systems
- Internal Family Systems Affirmations
- Internal Family Systems Class
- Internal Family Systems Multimedia
- Internal Family Systems Therapy with Couples
- Interpersonal Effectiveness Training Module
- Intro to IFS Part 1
- Intro to IFS Part 2
- Intro to IFS Part 3
- Intro to IFS Part 4
- Intro to IFS Part 5
- Intro to IFS Part 6
- Intro to IFS Part 7
- Intro to IFS Part 8
- Intro to the Distress Tolerance Module
- Introduction to IFS
- Introduction to Parts Work
- Introduction to the Core Skills of DBT
- Introduction to the IFS Model
- Lesson: When to Use Crisis Survival Skills
- Let Your Partner Influence You
- List of Emotions
- Log In
- Log In
- Logical Fallacies
- Make a Payment
- Making Your Bed Every Day
- Membership Account
- MET Catalyzing Change
- Metta Meditations
- Mind – Body Connection
- Mindful Aging & Changes
- Mindful Communication
- Mindful Compassion
- Mindful Connections
- Mindful Creativity
- Mindful Decisions
- Mindful Eating
- Mindful Eating
- Mindful Emotions
- Mindful Executive Functioning
- Mindful Movement
- Mindful Self Compassion
- Mindful Yoga
- Mindfulness
- Mindfulness & Boundaries
- Mindfulness & Forgiveness
- Mindfulness & Gratitude
- Mindfulness & Nature
- Mindfulness & Organization
- Mindfulness & Pleasure
- Mindfulness & Resilience
- Mindfulness & Self
- Mindfulness & Self Discovery
- Mindfulness & Sleep
- Mindfulness & Social Behavior
- Mindfulness and Goals
- Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
- Mindfulness Based Multimedia
- Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Class
- Mindfulness Course Concludes
- Mindfulness Course Content
- Mindfulness Course Overview
- Mindfulness Definitions
- Mindfulness Foundation
- Mindfulness Master Class
- Mindfulness Master Class:
- Mindfulness of Current Thoughts
- Mindfulness of the Body
- Mindfulness of the Senses
- Mindfulness of Thoughts
- Mindfulness of Thoughts Self Leadership
- Mindfulness of Trauma
- Mindfulness of Values
- Mindfulness Skills Introduction
- Mindfulness Skills Training
- Mindfulness Stress Reduction
- Mindfulness What Skills
- Mindlessness and the Human Doing
- Moral and Ethical Principles
- Moral Behavior and Ethical Principles
- Multimedia Library
- Multiplicity of the Mind
- My Account
- Myths about Emotions
- Neuroscience Multimedia
- No Bad Parts and a Challenging Protector
- No Bad Parts Chapter 3 Check In
- No Bad Parts Dilemma Meditation
- No Bad Parts Four Basic Goals of IFS
- No Bad Parts Four Things to Know About Parts
- No Bad Parts More About Parts
- No Bad Parts This Changes Everything
- No Bad Parts Unblending and Embodying
- No Bad Parts Why Parts Blend
- Non-judgmental, One-mindful, and Effective
- Nurturing Fondness and Admiration
- Observing, Describing, and Participating
- Onboarding & Intake
- Opening the Doors to the Arguments Clinic
- Other Perspectives on Mindfulness
- Other Types of Concerned Parts
- Outline of the Self Therapy Process
- Overcome Gridlock
- Overview of Core Mindfulness Skills
- Overview of Crisis Survival Skills
- Parts as Psychological Software
- Parts Work
- Parts Work
- Parts Work Exercise
- Parts Work How Parts Develop
- Parts Work How the Parts Interact
- Parts Work Manager Parts
- Parts Work Mindfulness and Self
- Parts Work Parts Map Exercise
- Parts Work Parts That Help Us Adapt
- Parts Work Physical and Survival Parts
- Parts Work Self in the Inner System
- Password Reset
- Pearls before Breakfast Gene Weingarten
- Personal Goals
- Personal Healing and Growth
- Personal Healing and Growth
- Physical Fitness for Health and Wellness
- Planning with SMART Goals and Objectives
- Positive Intent
- Positive Psychology Mindset
- Positive Self-Talk and Affirmations
- Possibility of Goodness
- Practicing Conscious Awareness in Daily Life
- Practicing Loving Kindness and Compassion
- Practicing Mindfulness of Thoughts
- Problems and Issues
- Professional Disclosure
- Pros and Cons of Mindfulness
- Psychoeducation Courses and Information
- Psychoeducation Lesson Physical Health
- Psychoeducational Learning Modules
- Psychological Health and Wellness
- Qualities and Benefits of Critical Thinkers
- Quenza Instructions
- Radical Acceptance
- Radical Self Acceptance
- Radically Open DBT
- Reading Between the Lines
- Recover Password
- Registration
- Relationships/Marriage
- Repair Attempts Questionnaire
- Request for Coaching
- Rewarding Yourself for Achieving Goals
- Rituals Exercise 1
- Roles Exercise 2
- SAMHSA Anger Management Overview
- Sample Page
- Saving and Investing for Retirement or Disability
- Say Thank You Exercise
- Scheduling Worry Time
- Secular Humanist or Atheist Collectivism
- Self and Protectors
- Self Reflection Journal
- Self Therapy and Safety
- Self Therapy Chapter 6 Concerned Parts
- Self Therapy Exercise: Learning About Exiles
- Self Therapy Exercise: Learning About Protectors
- Self Therapy Summary of the IFS Model
- Self Therapy Trailhead Exercise
- Self Therapy Workbook Basic IFS Concepts
- Self Therapy Workbook Ending an IFS Session
- Self Therapy Workbook List of Exercises
- Self Therapy Workbook Session Basics
- Self Therapy Workbook Speaking for Parts
- Self Therapy Workbook Working With a Partner
- Send Me A Message
- Services and Subscriptions
- Set Up Payments
- Setting Intentions for Your Day
- Seven Good Minutes
- Shared Meaning Questionnaire
- Shared Symbols
- Shared Symbols Exercise 4
- Sitting Meditation Full Catastrophe Living
- Skillful Means
- Social Connections and Intimate Relationships
- Social Media and the Influencer Industry
- Solving Your Solvable Problems
- Sources Bibliography
- Step 1: Become a Dream Detective
- Step 2 Work on a Gridlocked Marital Issue
- Step 3 Soothe Each Other
- Step P3 Unblending from a Concerned Part
- Taking Hold of Your Mind How Skills
- TED and TEDx Talks
- The Best Possible Self
- The Essence of Genuine Philanthropy
- The Goals of Distress Tolerance
- The Human Psyche
- The Magic Five Hours
- The Marital Poop Detector
- The Path Meditation
- The Power of Gratitude
- The Problems with Our Food System
- The Virtues
- The Virtues Project
- Therapy or Coaching
- Therapy Treatment Planner
- Thinking About Consequences
- Thinking Hiccups
- Three Mind Practices (emotions, logic, wisdom)
- Two Kinds of Relationship Conflict
- Unburdened People
- Understanding Social Cues
- Understanding What Critical Thinking Isn’t
- Unveiling 10 myths about mindfulness:
- Visualize Your Best Day
- Volunteering and Service to Others
- Waking Up Early
- Walking the Middle Path
- What Creates Your Beliefs
- What is a Daily Maintenance Plan?
- What Is Critical Thinking?
- What is Internal Family Systems Therapy?
- What You Can Get from This Course
- When Anger Becomes A Problem
- Who Am I Exercise 3
- Who Can Benefit
- Why Choose Me
- Why is it so hard to meditate?
- Why Use Critical Thinking
- Why Work With a Coach?
- Wiley Treatment Plan for Anger
- Wise Mind from a Spiritual Perspective
- Wise Mind States of Mind
- WRAP Daily Maintenance
- Your Inner Child
- Your Roles in Life