Social Media and the Influencer Industry

The dark ages of disinformation, propaganda, misinformation, weaponized nostalgia, radicalized youth, anti-intellectualism, and ignorance. No I’m not talking about ancient history, I am referring to the present situation we are going through as a society. When anyone with a camera and cell phone can post a video making extraordinary claims about products, services, programs, and diets with no requirement to provide real scientific evidence for the claims. When an influencer becomes more popular and reaches more people than a published research study hidden behind Academia and paywalls. What comes next?
I do not consider myself an “influencer.” I don’t picture myself as a “motivational speaker.” My wish is to bring my clients the most accurate, valid, reliable, valuable, and authentic information about real science, health and wellness, nutrition, fitness, living skills, thriving, and flourishing as I can. I verify each of the videos, lessons, books, website articles, and scientific and academic journal articles before I share them on this site. In other words, you’re not likely to see videos or articles about a flat Earth, anti-vaccination, anti-science, anti-intellectualism, fad diets, extraordinary claims, nutritional wellness fads, miracle pills, detox cleanses, or any extreme practices on this website. I will support the information I present with scientific and/or academic evidence from peer reviewed studies and rigorous scientific research.
- [Article] Social Media Safety: What Are Influencers? | The National College
- [Article] Are social media influencers getting too influential?