Mindfulness Based Multimedia


Many (not all) of the videos in this section are part of a free online program:

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course offered by Palouse Mindfulness (Dave Potter).

I encourage you to register for the program if you would like to formally practice this program. If you would like to learn more about mindfulness at a slower pace with an informal practice, the following links will redirect you to the videos on their YouTube channel. Most of the links will direct you to the original creator’s YouYube channel and content. I encourage you to subscribe to Palouse Mindfulness and also subscribe to any of the original creator’s channels as you would like.

In many instances the videos listed here are longer than the video excerpts on the Palouse Mindfulness website. I have also listed the additional recommended videos. Here is a link to their policies regarding sharing the content and program: Permissions

Note: Some of the videos in the MBSR course are duplicated in the Mindfulness section at the bottom of the page.

  • [Video] Mindfulness; in Medicine, Health Care, and Society
  • [Video] Mindfulness; in Medicine, Health Care, and Society [University of Massachussetts
  • [Video] Mindfulness to ease anger issues, fear and anxiety | Risa Morimoto
  • [Video] Managing Anxiety with Mindfulness Meditation | Rachel Green
  • [Video] Body Scan Meditation | Palouse Mindfulness (Free Resource)
  • [Video] How an Apple can Help Kids Understand What’s Happening – S. Kaiser-Greenland
  • [Video] The Raisin Meditation – Mindful Eating | Palouse Mindfulness (Free Resource)
  • [Video] Introduction to Mindful Eating – Michelle DuVal | The Meditation Center 
  • [Video] The Monkey Business Illusion | Dan Simons
  • [Video] Mindfulness Practice | Michelle Moldonado interview by  Risa Morimoto
  • [Video] The Future of the Mind – Judson Brewer | LeWeb Paris
  • [Video] The Mindful Way Through Stress – Shamash Aldina | Mind & Its Potential
  • [Video] Neurologist Richard Davidson | Pioneers Episode 10 by Huff Post
  • [Video] The Samurai and the Fly – Hanjin Song
  • [Video] NonDual Vipassana – Peter Russell and Shauna Shapiro
  • [Video] Transform Your Mind, Change Your Brain – Richard Davidson [1:05:21]
  • [Video] STOP; A Mindfulness Practice – Melli O’Brien | Mindfulness
  • [Video] Tools for Managing Stress & Anxiety | Huberman Lab Podcast # 10
  • [Video] 3 Ways – Managing Anxiety (not the usual methods) – Kyle Kittleson | MedCircle
  • [Video] Turning Toward Difficulty – Vidyamala Burch | Mindhouse Park
  • [Video] Letting Go of Negative Emotions | Thupten Jinpa
  • [Video] One Moment at a Time – Vidyamala Burch | The Mindfulness Association
  • [Video] The Three Components of Self Compassion | Kristin Neff
  • [Video] Shifting Your Inner Critic – Ann Weiser Cornell | Focusing Resources
  • [Video] How Mindfulness Works to Overcome Painful Emotions | Steven Hayes, PhD
  • [Video] Developing Psychological Flexibility | Steven Hayes
  • [Video] Breathworks and Mindfulness Based Pain Management – Vidyamala Burch
  • [Video] Using Mindfulness to Change the Brain: A Different Way to Deal with Pain
  • [Video] Coping with Pain: A Mindfulness Meditation – Susan Knier, OT
  • [Video] Deep Listening – Frank Ostaseski
  • [Video] Mindful Communication | Sanvello
  • [Video] Why We’re so Quick to Blame – Brene Brown | The Royal Society for Arts
  • [Video] Empathy – Brene Brown | The Royal Society for Arts
  • [Video] Non Violent Communication – Marshall Rosenberg | Sustainable Human
  • [Video] Non Violent Communication Interview with Marshall Rosenberg | Paula Gloria
  • [Video] (Documentary) MINDFULNESS Documentary Film 2020
  • [Video] “Whodunnit” Awareness Test | Shamash Alidina [1:54]
  • [Video] Measuring Mindfulness | Judson Brewer [6:56]
  • [Video] Neurologist Richard Davidson | Pioneers Ep. 10 | Huffington Post [4:56]
  • [Video] Cultivating Well-Being: Brain Science with Richard Davidson [9:54]
  • [Video] What we’re getting wrong with meditation. Dr. R. Davidson | Mayim Bialik [1:11:19]
  • [Video] I’m On Your Side – Michael Franti
  • [Video] Self Love Dave Potter Interview with Yurika Vu
  • [Video] Compassionate Ethics in Difficult Times – Dalai Lama
  • [Video] Universal Compassion – Sylvia Boorstein and Sharon Salzberg
  • [Video] Love Letters | Kaira Jewel Lingo
  • [Video] How My Son Ruined My Life | Selma & James Baraz
  • [Video] Grand Central Station | Sharon Salzberg
  • [Video] Mindfulness is Not A Crystal Ball | Susan Kaiser Greenland 
  • [Video] Blowing Bubbles | Sharon Salzberg


  • [Video] Awakening from Virtual Reality
  • [Video] Thoughts, Real but Not True
  • [Video] Surrender to the Monkeys
  • [Video] Pain x Resistance = Suffering
  • [Video] Working Skillfully with Pain
  • [Video] Guided Reflection on Inhabiting This Body
  • [Video] The Power of Deep Listening
  • [Video] Awakening Through Conflict
  • [Video] Listening with Ears of the Heart
  • [Video] Radical Acceptance is a Prerequisite for Change
  • [Video] Widening the Circles of Compassion
  • [Video] Disarming Our Hearts
  • [Video] First, Forgive Yourself | Tara Brach Interview
  • [Video] Unconditional Love
  • [Video] Happiness
  • [Video] Guided Meditation: The practice of RAIN
  • [Video] The RAIN of Self Compassion


  • [Video] Google Tech Talk: Mindfulness Stress Reduction and Healing
  • [Video] 9 Attitudes of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
  • [Video] (Three Hour Mindfulness Retreat) The Path of Mindfulness
  • [Video] Life is Right Now
  • [Video] Befriending our Bodies | Greater Good Science Center
  • [Video] Coming to our Senses (Excerpt)
  • [Video] Life is Right Now
  • [Video] Non-Striving (one of the “9 attitudes of mindfulness”)
  • [Video] Compassion and Mindfulness
  • [Video] Listening as an Act of Love


  • [Video] Happiness is All In Your Mind | Gen Kelsang Nyema [15:55]
  • [Video] How Mindfulness Meditation redefines pain, happiness & satisfaction [15:53]
  • [Video] How Meditation Can Reshape Our Brains | Sara Lazar [8:33]
  • [Video] Self-Transformation Through Mindfulness | Dr. David Vago [19:34]
  • [Video] Vipassana Meditation and Body Sensation | Eilona Ariel [13:02]
  • [Video] The Power of Mindfulness: What You Practice Grows Stronger | Shauna Shapiro [13:45]
  • [Video] All it takes is 10 mindful minutes | Andy Puddicombe [9:24]
  • [Video] Don’t try to be mindful | Dan Larson [11:59]
  • [Video] All Bodies are Beautiful | The Stand for Self Love | Amy Pence-Brown [17:18]
  • [Video] Food For Thought: How Your Belly Controls Your Brain | Ruairi Robertson [14:30]
  • [Video] Why a Neuroscientist would Study Meditation | Willoughby Britton [16:52]
  • [Video] How to Make Stress Your Friend | Kelly McGonigal [14:28]
  • [Video] How Stress Affects Your Brain | Madhumita Murgia [4:15]
  • [Video] How Stress Affects Your Body | Sharon Horesh Bergquist [4:42]
  • [Video] The Gift & Power of Emotional Courage | Susan David [16:48]
  • [Video] What Really Makes Us Happy | Robert Waldinger [12:46]
  • [Video] Mental Brakes to Avoid Mental Breaks | Steven Hayes, PhD [26:21]
  • [Video] The Pace of Pain | Amberly Lago [14:26]
  • [Video] We are Built to be Kind – Dacher Keltner [18:16]
  • [Video] Matthieu Ricard: How to let altruism be your guide [16:11]
  • [Video] The Bridge to Happiness | Karen Guggenheim [13:21]
  • [Video] A Kindness Revolution | Jamie Derrick [14:06]
  • [Video] Want to be happy? Be grateful | David Steindl-Rast [14:30]
  • [Video] The 365 Grateful Project | Hailey Bartholomew [12:04]
  • [Video] The Habits of Happiness | Matthieu Ricard [20:54]
  • [Video] The Happy Secret to Better Work | Shawn Achor [12:20]


  • [Video] How Mindfulness Cultivates Compassion | Shauna Shapiro
  • [Video] Attention, Intention, and Attitude | Shauna Shapiro
  • [Video] Mindful Meditation and the Brain | Shauna Shapiro
  • [Video] Overcoming Objections to Self Compassion | Kristin Neff
  • [Video] Mindfulness and Self Compassion | Kristin Neff [21:12]
  • [Video] Jack Kornfield: The Ancient Heart of Forgiveness [56:55]