
Couple’s Therapy

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In the field of couple’s therapy, various approaches and concepts have been developed and implemented over the years. However, a critical question arises: do these methods truly work, and if so, which ones are the most effective based on sound scientific inquiry?

[Read More] About the current state of couple’s therapy, examining the efficacy of different approaches, and the most effective method based on available scientific evidence.

The Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work

Principle 1

Principle 2

Principle 3

Principle 4

Principle 5

Principle 6

Principle 7


Clinical Methods of Couples Counseling

The lessons in this course are for your information only, couples therapy objectives and interventions should be completed with guidance and support provided by a mental health care professional. They are presented here for educational purposes.

Holistic Approaches to Mindful Relationships

Articles about Relationships and Social Skills

Couples Therapy Books and Workbooks

Couples Therapy Books

Couples Therapy Effectiveness Research

  • Gurman, A. S., & Snyder, D. K. (2011). History of Psychotherapy. J. C. Norcross, G. R. Vandenboss. & D. K. Friedman (eds,). Treatment modalities: Couple therapy. American Psychological Association, Wahington, D. C.
  • Norcross, J. C. & Goldfried, M. R. (eds.). (2019). In Handbook of Psychotherapy Integration (3rd ed.). A primer on psychotherapy integration. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Norcross, J. C. & Lambert, M. J. (eds.). (2019). Psychotherapy relationships that work. Evidence based therapy contributions (3rs eds.). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Prochaska, & Norcross, J. C, (2019). In handbook of psychotherapy integration. A transtheoretical system of analysis (9th eds.). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Wampold, B. E. & Brown, G. S. (2015). Estimating therapist variability: A naturalistic study of outcomes in managed care. Journal of Consulting & Developmental Psychology, 73, 914-928.