WARNING! Disclaimer: The videos in this module, as they are presented, exist as a snapshot of the time when they were created. Some of the ideas are described with terms that are not used anymore because of: courtesy and recognizing the harm caused historically; and recent new data and research that has been brought to public awareness. This does not mean that the information and skills presented are any less useful. The presenters also discuss (generally and non-specifically) sexual assault, physical violence, self-harm, and trauma in order to provide some context and examples. Some of the material shared will evoke strong emotions. Some of the material is addressed to professionals but may be helpful for the lay person. There are some terms and narratives that may be triggering to some people. Please do not watch the videos if you are not at a point in your recovery (and health and wellness) that you are not strong and resilient enough to watch. Watching the videos indicates your acceptance of the disclaimer and you understand that Strengthening Your Conscious Self is not responsible for results, or outcomes of watching the videos.
Anger is a natural human emotion, you have no control over the triggered sensations and emotions. Anger becomes a problem when it spirals out of control, and you lose the ability to regulate the emotions, it can become destructive, affecting relationships, work, and overall well-being, when you don’t know how to respond and manage your reactions. Fortunately, anger management work in coaching or therapy offers a path to understanding and managing anger issues effectively. In this module, we’ll explore the complexities of anger, its potential consequences, and how the inner work can empower you to harness this powerful emotion in a healthier and safer way.
Course Content
Intake and Self Guided Assessment
- [Assessments] Formal and Informal Personality Testing
- [Assessments] Life Domains Questionnaires and Surveys
- [Article] American Psychological Association (3/3/2022): Control Anger Before It Controls You
- [Article] Mayo Clinic (4/14/2022): 10 Tips to Tame Your Temper
TEDx Videos:
- [Video] Anger: Why we get mad — and why it’s healthy | Ryan Martin
Anger researcher Ryan Martin draws from a career studying what makes people mad to explain some of the cognitive processes behind anger — and why a healthy dose of it can actually be useful. “Your anger exists in you … because it offered your ancestors, both human and nonhuman, an evolutionary advantage,” he says. “[It’s] a powerful and healthy force in your life.”
- [Video] The Antidote to Anger | Mike Goldman
Mike Goldman is a leadership team coach and bestselling author of two books, Breakthrough Leadership Team and Performance Breakthrough. During his 35-year coaching and consulting career he’s worked with hundreds of leaders and dozens of organizations including Disney, Verizon, CHANEL and Polo Ralph Lauren. His insights have been featured in Forbes, Fast Company and Chief Executive Magazine and he’s widely regarded by CEOs as the expert on building great leaders and leadership teams. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.
- [Video] Anger Is Your Ally: A Mindful Approach to Anger | Juna Mustad
In this pioneering talk, Juna Mustad reveals how neuroscience and mindfulness techniques can help us unlock the power of the world’s most stigmatized emotion, anger. Juna Mustad has been coaching leaders and visionaries for the last 13 years to develop emotional intelligence, create healthy relationships and embrace their full potential. She works with individuals, groups and companies globally to develop mindfulness tools, foster leadership skills, and enhance overall wellbeing. Juna is a coach, mindfulness facilitator, intuitive and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. Through her work she offers an accessible, non-threatening approach to creating a healthy relationship with the world’s most stigmatized emotion. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Juna is a Life and Relationship coach, an Intuitive, and a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner focused on helping you create healthy relationships, expand your emotional awareness, and embrace your full potential. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.
Andrew Huberman | Huberman Lab Podcast
- [Video] Understanding & Controlling Aggression | Huberman Lab Podcast #71
Dr. Huberman describes the neuroscientific (brain) mechanisms that activate and control aggressive states and behaviors and the role of hormones (estrogen and testosterone) in mediating violent and/or competitive aggression. He also describes tools that can be used to modulate the factors that have been shown to ‘prime’ an individual for aggression, including sunlight, estrogen sensitivity, competition within social settings, overall stress levels, and the hormone cortisol. He discusses how substances such as caffeine and alcohol can impact impulsive behaviors and how nutrition and supplementation can be used to regulate mood and aggression.
Dr. Dawn Elise Snipes
Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Qualified Clinical Supervisor. She received her PhD in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Florida in 2002. In addition to being a practicing clinician, she has provided training to counselors, social workers, nurses and case managers internationally since 2006 through AllCEUs.com Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes helps you learn anger management and cognitive behavioral techniques to prevent anger management issues.
- [Video] What are the Fs of the Stress Response?
- [Video] Anger Management: 10 Session Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- [Video] Anger Management Part 1
- [Video] Releasing Anger Anxiety and Depression
- [Video] 10 Ways to Deal with Anger
- [Video] Master Conflict Resolution: Boundaries and Constructive Disagreement
- [Video] Six Ways to Forgive Yourself for Not Knowing What To Do
- [Video] How To Stop Being Judgmental: Six Tips
- [Video] Break free from unwanted thoughts: CBT self-help tools
Dr. Christian Conte
Dr. Christian Conte is one of the country’s most accomplished specialists in compassionate leadership and communications. His prodigious background in mental health and emotional management enables him to bring a unique and compelling perspective to his presentations, as well as valuable tools to leave behind for his audience. A familiar figure on TV and radio, Dr. Conte is also a prolific writer, powerful communicator, and sought-after corporate consultant and trainer. He co-hosted The Secret Life of Kids on USA Network. He was also the co-host of the reality show Coaching Bad on Spike TV, and the resident therapist for VH1’s Family Therapy. His latest book, Walking Through Anger, is available now.
Dr. Conte co-hosted the Tackling Life podcast with football Hall of Famer Ray Lewis, and produces a daily short-form Emotional Management radio feature heard daily on hundreds of stations across the country. He recently began hosting his own weekly call-in talk show on KDKA radio in Pittsburgh, also available as a podcast. In July 2015 he conducted the TEDx talk, “Why I Chose to Go to Prison.”
- [Video] Anger Management Techniques That Work!
- [Video] Five Keys to Controlling Anger
- [Video] Anger Management: How to Let Go
- [Video] Anger Management for Relationships
- [Video] How to talk to angry people
Self Help Toons: Anger Management Skills
Assertive communication helps us achieve our objectives effectively. We express our wants and needs while treating other people with respect, making it more likely that they cooperate. Some of us have trouble communicating assertively. Instead we communicate passively, aggressively or passive aggressively. The assertive communication techniques from Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) are a great tool to help us be more assertive.
The first set of interpersonal effectiveness skills in DBT consists of three skills that help us obtain objectives effectively: objectives effectiveness; relationships effectiveness; and self-respect effectiveness.
With Objectives Effectiveness we use the acronym DEAR MAN to communicate assertively in order to have our rights and wishes respected. With Relationship Effectiveness, we use the acronym GIVE to build and maintain positive relationships, and end destructive ones. With Self-Respect Effectiveness, we use the acronym FAST to build and maintain positive relationships, and end destructive ones.
- [Video] The ABCs of CBT: Thoughts, Feelings and Behavior
- [Video] Changing Negative Beliefs with Behavioral Experiments in CBT
- [Video] Stop Shoulding Yourself and Feeling Guilty, Depressed & Anxious
- [Video] Assertive Communication & Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills
Barbara Heffernan
Barbara Heffernan is a life coach, leading people to more self-love, self-confidence and joy. She was a psychotherapist who specialized in helping people recover from anxiety and trauma for almost two decades and is an expert in CBT and EMDR. On her YouTube channel, she integrates the best of Mindset Techniques, CBT, EMDR, Mindfulness, Buddhism and Neuroscience.
- [Video] The Underlying Causes Of Overwhelming Anger
- [Video] Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anger Management
- [Video] Visualization for Understanding Anger
Anger Management for Dummies
The lessons in this section are adapted from the book “Anger Management for Dummies” by W. Doyle Gentry, PhD. (Anger Management Specialist and Clinical Psychologist) published by Wiley Publishing. The website pages are protected by a password that I provide to my coaching and therapy clients. The information is subject to US copyright laws and can only be shared with my clients.
Part I : The Basics of Anger
1: [Lesson] Anger Is a Universal Emotion
- Common Anger Myths
- The Role of Emotions
- Getting Help
- You’ll Know When
2: [Lesson] When Anger Becomes a Problem?
- How Angry Are You?
- Is Your Anger Toxic?
- The Risks of Toxic Anger
3: Is Anger Poisoning Your Life?
- Robbing Your Energy
- Making You Ill
- Sabotaging Your Career
- Ruining Your Marriage
- Affecting the Health of Those You Care About
Part II : Managing Your Anger Today
4: Taking Immediate Action
- Drawing the Line — the Sooner the Better
- Settling for Just Being Annoyed
- Understanding Why Your Fuse Is So Short
- Lengthening Your Fuse
- Sometimes It Pays to Feel Guilty
- Distraction Works
5: Speaking Out in Anger
- Forget Venting
- Expressing Your Anger Effectively
- It’s Not What You Say, It’s How You Say It
6: Keeping Your Cool
- Choose to Respond Rather Than React
- Assessing Your Anger
- Be Patient
- Take a Deep Breath
- Ask Yourself Four Crucial Questions
- What Are My Options?
- Go Ahead and Respond Now
- Reward Yourself
Part III : Preventing Anger Tomorrow
7: Adopting a New Perspective
- Anger Is in the Eye of the Beholder
- Accepting Life for What It Is, Not What It Should Be
- Becoming More Tolerant
- Figuring Out Where Hostility and Resentment Come From
- When in Doubt, Be Assertive
8: Saying What You Feel
- Why Hiding Your Emotions Isn’t Healthy
- Being Civil Doesn’t Always Mean Being Nice
- Stop Having Issues and Start Having Feelings
- Walking Away and Still Having Your Say
9: Confessing Your Anger
- Confession: It’s Good for What Ails You
- Who Can Benefit from Confessing
- Understanding the Difference between a Diary and a Journal
- Telling Your Story Your Way
10: Becoming a Type B
- Moving Beyond Type A
- Acquiring Wisdom
- Finding the Right Environmental Fit
11: Using Anger Constructively
- Making Anger Your Ally
- Exploring the Motives behind Your Anger
- Using Anger to Understand Yourself
- Constructive Anger
- What Goes Around Comes Around
Part IV : Handling Anger from the Past
12: Why Is Letting Go So Difficult?
- Digging Out from Anger
- Living without Resolution
- Time’s Up: When to Let Go
13: Forgiving
- Forgiveness Is Never Easy
- Choosing to Forgive
- Doing a Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Accepting the Finality of Being Wronged
Part V : Lifestyle Changes That Improve More Than Your Anger
14: Managing Stress
- Distinguishing Stress from Strain
- Staying Away from Stress Carriers
- Identifying the Sources of Your Stress
- Knowing Which Types of Stress Are Toxic
- Avoiding Burnout
- Discovering How to Be Hardy
- Coping with Stress: What Works and What Doesn’t
15: Managing Your Chemistry
- Just Because It’s Legal Doesn’t Make It Healthy
- How Much Is Too Much?
- Keeping Track of Your Substance Use
- Eliminating Your Favorite Cigarette
- Counting Your Caffeine
- Adopting a New Drinking Style
16: Adding Balance to Your Life
- Counterbalancing Stress
- Creating Healthy Pleasure
- Go with the Flow
- Maintaining Meaningful Social Ties
- Understanding Why Your Life Is Unbalanced
- Making Self a Priority
17: Getting a Good Night’s Sleep
- Understanding What Sleep Does for You
- Knowing How Much Is Enough
- Rating the Quality of Your Sleep
- Improving the Quality of Your Sleep
18: Looking to a Higher Power
- Reaching Up rather than Out
- Using Faith as a Weapon
- Praying Prayers of Gratitude
- Practicing Compassion
- Being Humble — It Helps
- Having a Blessed Day
19: Staying in a Good Mood
- E-lim-inate the Negative: Maintaining a Positive Mood
- When Your Mood Becomes a Problem
- The Anger-Depression Link
- Fixing the Problem
Part VI : Managing Anger in Key Relationships
20: At Work
- Recognizing Counterproductive Work Behavior
- Knowing Where to Look
- Improving Your Negotiating Skills
- Creating a Positive Work Environment
- Making Civility the Norm
- Speaking Up, Not Out
21: At Home
- It Takes Two to Tango: Avoiding Angry Dialogues
- Managing Anger from the Top Down
- Choosing the Unfamiliar: Changing Your Family’s Patterns
- Looking at Your Parenting Style
- The Power of One
22: In Intimate Relationships
- The Loving-but-Angry Relationship
- If You’re the Angry Loved One
- If You’re on the Receiving End of a Loved One’s Anger
Part VII : The Part of Tens
23: Ten Ways to Raise a Non-Angry Child
- Being an Emotional Coach
- Starting Early and Talking Back
- Creating Teachable Moments
- Being a Positive Role Model
- Putting the “I” in Emotion
- Labeling Feelings Appropriately
- Identifying Causes
- Teaching Problem Solving
- Choosing the Third Alternative
- Learning the Difference between Wanting and Getting
24: Ten Ways to Combat Road Rage
- Don’t Rush
- Loosen Your Grip
- Focus on the Journey rather than the Destination
- Be the Other Driver
- Take the “I” out of Driver
- Look on the Bright Side
- Repeat after Me: They Are Not the Enemy
- Stop Catastrophizing
- Stop Being So Rational
- Settle for Just Being Irritated
25: Ten Anger-Freeing Thoughts
- No One — Absolutely No One — Can Make You Angry without Your Consent
- Anger Boomerangs — And So Does Love
- It’s Only Money
- Other People Are Not the Enemy
- Life Isn’t Fair — Not Even at the Top
- Energy Is a Terrible Thing to Waste
- Don’t Kid Yourself: We’re All Bozos
- This Isn’t the Hill You Want to Die On
- There’s Nothing You Can Achieve in Anger That You Can’t Achieve without It
- When You’re Dealing with People, You’re Not Entitled to a Damn Thing!
Anger Management Course (SAMHSA, 2019)
- [Lesson 1] Overview
- [Lesson 2] Events and Cues
- [Lesson 3] Anger Control Plans
- [Lesson 4] The Aggression Cycle
- [Lesson 5] Cognitive Restructuring
- [Lesson 6] Skills Practice
- [Lesson 7] Assertiveness Training
- [Lesson 8] Non-Violent Communication
- [Lesson 9] Conflict Resolution
- [Lesson 10] Anger and the Family
- [Lesson 11] Anger and Relationships
- [Lesson 12] Skills Practice
- [Conclusion] Continuing the Work
Course Completion
[Reflection] Self Reflection Journal