Before you begin any of the courses, I strongly encourage you to follow my Facebook page and join the Facebook support group.

Please follow these basic instructions when completing a course on this website
1. Read the introduction about the course, including goals and learning objectives
2. Watch the videos first from other professionals, linked to YouTube
3. Read the lessons that are adapted from books, articles, and handouts
4. Complete the exercises that are adapted from worksheets, books, and workbooks
5. Complete the next activity or the next scheduled pathway activity in the Quenza app
6. Implement the practical application of the skills and knowledge in your life.
7. Track your progress on the logs, journals, and/or diary forms on this website.
8. Process the course learning with your support group, life coach, or therapist.
9. Review the additional information, on other professional websites, and in the recommended literature.
10. Provide the website administrator some constructive criticism on the format and layout of the course