Daily Maintenance Plan Financial Domain

Financial Management Skills

Financial Literacy

Introduction to Financial Literacy

Disclaimer: We here at Strengthening Your Conscious Self, are not opposed to Capitalism, Corporations, Businesses, Investments, Banking, Engineering, Technology, Manufacturing, and/or Agriculture. We seek only to educate and advocate for:

  • equitable, adequately funded educational institutions, guided by science and evidence based best practices in education and student guidance, without the undue influence of school boards, religion, politics, and/or outdated beliefs and practices (educating children AND their parents).
  • responsible, equitable, and ethical: legislated laws, professional regulations, public policies, tax rates and codes, business ethics, and legal and financial consequences.
  • uncorrupted worker unions, safety in the workplace, employee owned businesses and corporations, non-profits, fair trade policies, sustainable businesses and agriculture, responsible technology, and equitable business practices.
  • employee owned businesses that place employee safety, wellness, and financial security well above their profitability, while also sharing the dividends of profits with all their employees (who happen to own the majority of stocks)
  • non-profit organizations and agencies that are adequately funded, to be able to employ well trained, and well paid, officers, administrators, and front line workers.
  • an egalitarian free market economy that equitably benefits everyone; businesses, society, workers, families, and communities.
  • a decentralized federal system of government without the undue influence from and the hierarchal problems of institutions such as the electoral college, political parties, powerful political action committees and lobbies, campaign financing, and/or state, county, and municipal, courts and government.
  • I support a democratic socialist format of legislative duties free from unnecessary and unethical political and financial influence that continues to perpetuate oppressive colonialist and patriarchal systems of oppression and wealth inequality.

We will provide you with a balanced and nuanced financial literacy course that will teach you about capitalism and economics from multiple perspectives. We support continuing education courses that empower people to be the best versions of themselves they can be. Through this continuing education process, we hope to help people change their scarcity beliefs, lack mentality, poverty mindsets, and stuck thinking patterns, so they can break through the glass ceilings and overcome the oppressive, structural, systemic barriers in their way, both individually and collectively.

“The rising tide lifts all the boats.”

John F. Kennedy

How Financial Security affects Health & Wellness

Financial literacy is an integral component of maintaining overall health and wellness, akin to a balanced diet for your finances. Just as we nourish our bodies and minds, we must also sustain our economic wellbeing. Crafting a conscious spending plan lays the foundation for financial stability, guiding us to allocate resources mindfully rather than impulsively. Budgeting becomes a deliberate practice, steering us away from the precarious cliffs of debt and towards the fertile lands of savings. These savings act as a buffer, securing peace of mind and paving the way for investment opportunities.

Managing investments wisely is akin to cultivating a garden, where diversity and attention can yield abundant growth over time. Planning for retirement is a far-sighted endeavor, ensuring that our sunset years are as golden as they are tranquil. Simultaneously, improving your income and increasing revenue streams are proactive measures that enhance financial resilience. By integrating these practices into our daily lives, we not only secure our financial future but also contribute to our holistic well-being, allowing us to live with serenity and thrive in all aspects of life.

In a world where socioeconomic status and income disparities significantly impact individuals’ mental and physical health, understanding and managing finances become vital for well-being. This article delves into the benefits of financial security, the importance of setting long-term financial goals, the necessity of basic knowledge in investments and retirement plans, and the interplay between financial literacy and broader societal issues such as the growth mindset, glass ceilings, education and training barriers, job market challenges, and the myth of meritocracy.

Benefits of Financial Security

Stress Reduction: Financial insecurity is a major source of stress and anxiety. Stable finances can significantly reduce stress levels, leading to better mental health outcomes.

Improved Physical Health: Financial stability can lead to improved access to healthcare, nutrition, and living conditions, which are crucial for physical health.

Freedom to Make Choices: With financial security, individuals have the freedom to make life choices, such as changing careers or pursuing education, without the overriding concern of financial constraints.

Setting Long-Term Financial Goals

Long-term financial goals are crucial for several reasons:

Providing a Roadmap: They offer a structured approach to achieving financial security.

Encouraging Savings: Setting goals such as buying a home or securing retirement encourages saving and investing, leading to wealth accumulation.

Adapting to Life Changes: Long-term goals help individuals adapt financially to different life stages and unforeseen events.

Understanding Investments and Retirement Plans

A basic understanding of investments and retirement plans is essential for:

Securing Future: Investments can grow wealth over time, ensuring financial security in later years.

Maximizing Returns: Knowledge of different investment vehicles and retirement plans enables individuals to make informed decisions that can maximize their returns.

Avoiding Scams and Poor Advice: Financial literacy protects against fraud and poor financial advice.

Socioeconomic Status and Income Disparity

Recent research highlights the impact of socioeconomic status on health and wellness:

Access to Resources: Higher socioeconomic status often means better access to health care, education, and safer living conditions.

Income Disparity Impact: Income disparities can lead to health inequities, with lower-income individuals facing greater health risks.

Growth Mindset and Financial Literacy

The concept of a growth mindset, the belief in the ability to develop skills and intelligence over time, is vital in financial literacy:

Encouraging Learning: A growth mindset encourages continual learning and adaptation in financial matters.

Overcoming Challenges: It helps individuals to persevere through financial challenges and setbacks.

Glass Ceilings and Financial Security

Glass ceilings, the unseen yet unbreachable barrier that keeps minorities and women from rising to the upper rungs of the corporate ladder, directly impact financial security:

Limiting Earning Potential: Glass ceilings can limit the earning potential and career progress of affected individuals.

Affecting Retirement Savings: Hindered career growth can lead to inadequate retirement savings and financial insecurity.

Barriers to Education and Training Programs

Education and training barriers significantly impact financial literacy and security:

Limiting Opportunities: Limited access to education and training can restrict employment opportunities and earning potential.

Perpetuating Income Disparity: These barriers can contribute to the cycle of poverty and income disparity.

Lack of Good Paying Jobs

The availability of well-paying jobs is crucial for financial security:

Ensuring Livable Income: Good paying jobs are essential for individuals to cover living expenses and save for the future.

Impact on Health and Wellness: The lack of such jobs can lead to financial stress, affecting overall health and well-being.

Myth of Meritocracy

The myth of meritocracy, the belief that merit alone leads to success, overlooks the systemic barriers many face:

Ignoring Systemic Issues: It fails to acknowledge the impact of factors like race, gender, and socioeconomic background on success.

Overemphasis on Individual Responsibility: While personal effort is important, this myth can lead to overlooking the need for systemic changes to ensure equal opportunities.


Financial security and literacy are not just about managing money; they are about managing life. The interplay between financial wellness and broader societal challenges like income disparity, educational barriers, and systemic inequalities highlights the need for comprehensive strategies to improve financial literacy and security. By addressing these issues, individuals can not only improve their financial standing but also contribute to a more equitable and healthy society.

For example, imagine you’re sitting on the edge of a river, and you see someone struggling to swim in the river’s current, so you throw them a life saver and pull them from the river. And as soon as you see they are safe, you notice another person struggling, so you rescue them too. Soon, this becomes an overwhelming task, of pulling people out of this river. You also keep seeing the same people day after day. You discover that the reason you keep seeing them drowning in the river is because they are walking back upstream and being pushed into the river by a group of people who can easily overpower them. You decide that in order to solve the problem, you will teach them how to swim. Although your efforts are admirable, it does not help as much as you thought it would, because of the powerful river currents and uncertain flows. The solution of course is twofold, teach them how to swim in powerful currents and also ask the people (or force them) to stop pushing others into the river.