This Program is Still Under Construction
When this course is complete, it will be a comprehensive mindfulness master class for my coaching and counseling clients, and will be an excellent way to improve your physical health, mental health, emotional health, and spiritual well-being. This program will draw from various mindfulness-based approaches, integrating mindfulness-based stress reduction, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and internal family systems therapy.
The course will include links to videos, articles, information from books, and podcasts. The program will present information that is science backed and academic in nature. Most of the presenters, authors, and creators are educated, credentialed, and professional, coaches, counselors, therapists, doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, and neuroscientists. The course will flow in order of the table of contents. There are purposely no links to content on this page, until the program is completely uploaded to this website.

Here’s a working outline for the mindfulness master class:
Introduction to Mindfulness
Mindfulness Skills Training
Mindful Awareness
Mindfulness and Emotions
Mindfulness and the Body
Mindfulness and Chronic Pain
Mindfulness of Thoughts
Mindful Eating
21. Mindful Eating
- [Video] Introduction to Mindful Eating | Michelle DuVall
- [Video] Guided Meditation – Mindfulness of Eating | Memorial Hermann (Houston, TX)
- [Video] Mindful Eating – The raisin exercise | Well Mind & Body Psychology
- [Video] An apple as past, present, and future | Susan Kaiser Greenland

22. Mindful Eating
- [Course Lesson] Nutrition Education (Macros and Micros)
- [Course Lesson] Eating with awareness and intention
- [Course Lesson] Mindful hydration
- [Course Lesson] Building a healthy relationship with food
- [Course Lesson] Eating and Body Image Issues (Body Positive, Body Neutral, Fat Shaming)

23. Mindful Eating
- [Article] Mindful Eating: The Art of Presence While You Eat (Diabetes Spectrum, 2017)
- [Article] The Art and Science of Mindful Eating (Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health)
- [Article] Mindful Eating: The Nutrition Source (Harvard TH Chan – School of Public Health)
- [Article] Better Eating Through Mindfulness (Greater Good Magazine, 2012)
- [Book] Well-Nourished: Mindful Practices to Heal Your Relationship with Food (Andrea Lieberstein)
- [Book] The Mindfulness-Based Eating Solution (Lynn Rossy)
- [Book] Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life (Thich Nhat Hanh, 2011)
- [Assignment] Mindful Eating Formal Practice (Food Journal and Meditation)
- [Assignment] Mindful Eating Informal Practice (Food Preparation and Consumption)

24. Mindfulness & Communication
- [Video] Deep Listening | Frank Ostaseski (Metta Institute)
- [Video] The Power of Empathy in Communication | Ann Weiser Cornell
- [Video] The Art of Being Heard | Susan Piver
- [Video] The Sacred Art of Listening | Tara Brach
- [Video] Listening with Ears of the Heart | Tara Brach
- [Video] Awakening Through Conflict | Tara Brach
- [Video] Blame | Brené Brown
- [Video] Empathy | Brené Brown
- [Video] Empathy in Communication | Ann Weiser Cornell (Palouse Mindfulness)
- [Video] What makes a good life? Lessons from study on happiness | Robert Waldinger
- [Video] The Purpose Of Nonviolent Communication | Marshall Rosenberg
- [Video] Non Violent Communication | Marshall Rosenberg

25. Mindfulness & Communication
- [Course Lesson] Mindful and active listening skills and speaking
- [Course Lesson] Listening to Understand – Not Listening to Respond
- [Course Lesson] Improving Relationships through Mindful Communication
- [Course Lesson] Nonviolent Communication with Mindfulness
- [Course Lesson] Logical fallacies (Errors in reasoning)
- [Course Lesson] Calm, curious, and clear discourse and discussion
- [Course Lesson] How to have difficult interactions
- [Course Lesson] DBT Interpersonal Effectiveness – DEAR MAN & GIVE

26. Mindfulness & Communication
- [Article] The Sacred Art of Listening (Tara Brach)
- [Article] The Most Frequently Asked Question (Sylvia Boorstein, Lion’s Roar)
- [Article] The Answer to Anger (Pema Chodron, Shambhala Sun)
- [Article] Conflict Management Styles (Palouse Mindfulness)
- [Article] The Heart of Nonviolent Communication (Marshall Rosenberg, Book Excerpt)
- [Article] Transforming Anger into Love – AHFOWL (Dave Potter, Palouse MIndfulness)
- [Article] Intimate Relationship as a Spiritual Crucible (John Welwood, Lion’s Roar)
- [Article] Tuning In, How to Really Listen (David Rome, Mindful)
- [Article] Email is Easy to Write, and to Misread (Daniel Goleman, NY Times, 2007)
- [Article] A 4 Step Guide to Ranting Productively (Carl Richards, NY Times, 2018)
- [Assignment] Formal Meditation Practice: Body Scan, Sitting, Mountain, Lake, Path, Yoga
- [Assignment] Informal Practice: Journal Nonviolent Communication Experiences

27. Mindfulness and Compassion
- [Video] We Are Built To Be Kind | Dacher Keltner
- [Video] Cultivating Altruism | Matthieu Ricard
- [Video] How Mindfulness Cultivates Compassion | Shauna Shapiro
- [Video] Overcoming Objections to Self-Compassion | Kristin Neff
- [Video] Radical Acceptance is a Prerequisite for change | Tara Brach
- [Video] “I’m On Your Side” | Michael Franti
- [Video] “Self-Love” interview of Dave Potter | Yurika Vu
- [Video] Be Kind. Always | Jamie Derrick
- [Video] Widening the Circles of Compassion | Tara Brach
- [Video] Disarming Our Hearts | Tara Brach
- [Video] Compassionate Ethics in Difficult Times | Dalai Lama
- [Video] Compassion and Mindfulness | Jon Kabat-Zinn
- [Video] Universal Compassion | Sylvia Boorstein and Sharon Salzberg
- [Video] Unconditional Love | Tara Brach
- [Video] Mindfulness and Self-Compassion | Kristin Neff

28. Mindfulness and Compassion
- [Course Lesson] Welcoming Compassion and Compassion Training
- [Course Lesson] Embodiment: Mindfulness and Basic Goodness
- [Course Lesson] Loving Kindness
- [Course Lesson] Loving Kindness for Loved Ones
- [Course Lesson] Loving Kindness for Strangers
- [Course Lesson] Loving Kindness for a Difficult Person
- [Course Lesson] Why You Should Practice Solitude Retreats
- [Course Lesson] Engage in Compassion in Everyday Life
- [Course Lesson] Mindfulness as a Virtue (The Virtues Project)
- [Course Lesson] Kindness as a Virtue (The Virtues Project)
- [Course Lesson] Compassion as a Virtue (The Virtues Project)
- [Course Lesson] The Character Strength of Kindness (Virtue of Humanity)

29. Mindfulness and Compassion
- [Article] Survival of the Kindest (Paul Ekman)
- [Article] Does Mindfulness Make You More Compassionate? (Shauna Shapiro)
- [Article] The Five Myths of Self-Compassion (Kristin Neff)
- [Article] Introduction to Walking Meditation (Tara Brach)
- [Article] 6 Amazing Ways Animals Show Compassion (Chris Mooney)
- [Article] Self-Compassion (Emma Seppala)
- [Article] First, Forgive Yourself (interview of Tara Brach by Tej Rae)
- [Article] The Practice of Forgiveness (Jack Kornfield)
- [Article] Making Friends with Yourself (Pema Chodron’s “4 Keys to Waking Up”)
- [Article] Loving kindness – should we extend it to the jerks of our world? (A. Olendzki)
- [Book] Humankindness: A Hopeful History (Rutger Bregman)
- [Book] Fierce Self-Compassion (Kristin Neff)
- [Book] The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion (Christopher Germer)
- [Assignment] Formal Practice: Add loving kindness & walking meditations
- [Assignment] Informal Practice: Walking, Simple Awareness, Mindful Eating, STOP, etc.

30. Mindful Self-Compassion
- [Video] Introduction and Genesis of Mindful Self-Compassion | Chris Germer
- [Video] MSC Session 1 – Practicing Self-Compassion | Chris Germer
- [Video] MSC Session 2 – Practicing Mindfulness | Chris Germer
- [Video] Christopher Germer on Mindful Self-Compassion (85 minutes)
- [Video] Harnessing Fierce Self-Compassion | Dr. Kristin Neff

31. Mindful Self-Compassion
- [Course Lesson] Metta meditation (loving kindness wish for self and parts)
- [Course Lesson] Self-compassion exercises
- [Course Lesson] Overcoming self-criticism
- [Course Lesson] Introduction to the Daily Maintenance Plan
- [Course Lesson] Self-Care is Self-Compassion
- [Book] Freedom from Your Inner Critic (Jay Earley)
- [Article] Mindful Self Compassion Workbook (Kristen Neff, Christopher Germer, 2018)
- [Website] CMSC: Center for Mindful Self Compassion (Kristen Neff)
- [Website] Self Compassion as an Antidote to Shame (CMSC Blog, 2022)

32. Mindfulness of Values
- [Video] Meaningful Life Hacks: Values + Mindfulness | Todd Schmenk (Wellness Talks)
- [Video] Developing Patience | Jennifer May, PhD
- [Video] Mindfulness – Values practice | Newcastle Hospitals
- [Video] Guided Mindfulness Meditation Connecting with Values | The Zen Social Worker
- [Video] Living Your Life – Embodying Our Values | Guided Meditation by Soothing Pod

33. Mindfulness of Values
- [Course Lesson] What are Values?
- [Course Lesson] Clarifying Personal Values and Priorities
- [Course Lesson] Aligning Your Intentions, Decisions, and Actions with Your Values
- [Course Lesson] Setting Mindful Values Based SMART Goals
- [Course Lesson] Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (Introduction)
- [Course Lesson] The Virtues Project (Introduction to the Module)
- [Course Lesson] Character Strengths and Virtues (Introduction to the Module and VIA Assessment)
34. Mindfulness of Values
- [Article] The Role of Values in the Link Between Mindfulness and Well-Being (Mindfulness, 2017)
- [Article] Mechanisms of Mindfulness (Shapiro et al, 2005; Journal of Clinical Psychology)
- [Article] Savor Your Values: Finding Strength In Compassion (Steven Hickman, 2020; Mindful)
- [Article] Choose to Live According to Your True Values (Laura K. Schenck, Ph.D., LPC)
- [Assignment] Formal Meditation Practice: Body Scan, Sitting, Mountain, Lake, Path, Yoga
- [Assignment] Informal Practice: Journal Embodied Values Experiences

35. Mindfulness and Gratitude
- [Video] The Science of Gratitude & How to Build a Gratitude Practice | Andrew Huberman
- [Video] How Gratitude Rewires Your Brain | Jim Kwik
- [Video] Gratitude | Louie Schwartzberg
- [Video] The Power of Gratitude | Lilly Mbinglo
- [Video] Feeling Grateful and Full of Gratitude Guided Meditation | Great Meditation
- [Video] 10 Most Powerful Affirmations of All Time | Bob Baker

36. Mindfulness and Gratitude
- [Course Lesson] The Science of Gratitude in a Mindfulness Practice
- [Course Lesson] Cultivating Gratitude as a Mindfulness Practice
- [Course Lesson] Finding Joy in Everyday Moments
- [Course Lesson] The Virtues Project (Gratitude)

37. Mindfulness and Gratitude
- [Article] The Science of Gratitude (Misty Pratt, 2022; Mindful)
- [Article] How to Practice Gratitude (Editorial Staff, Mindful)
- [Article] How Mindfulness and Gratitude Go Hand in Hand (Hilary Lebow, Psych Central)
- [Article] J. Kornfield – Gratitude and Mindfulness (Carolyn Gregoire, 2014; Greater Good Magazine)
- [Assignment] Gratitude Journal
- [Assignment] Daily Gratitude Affirmations

Mindfulness and Resilience
- [Course Lesson] Building emotional resilience through mindfulness
- [Course Lesson] Coping with stress and adversity
- [Course Lesson] Mindfulness in challenging situations
- [Course Lesson] The Virtues Project (Resilience)

Mindfulness of the Senses
- [Course Lesson] Exploring sensory mindfulness
- [Course Lesson] Engaging with nature mindfully
- [Course Lesson] Deepening sensory awareness

Mindfulness and Relationships
- [Video] DBT Expanded Edition – How to VALIDATE people | Jennifer May, PhD
- [Course Lesson] Mindfulness in intimate relationships
- [Course Lesson] Nurturing connections with loved ones
- [Course Lesson] Compassionate communication
- [Course Lesson] Interpersonal Effectiveness Introduction (Dialectical Behavior Therapy)

Mindful Creativity
- [Course Lesson] Unleashing creativity through mindfulness
- [Course Lesson] Mindful art, drawing, painting, or other creative activities
- [Course Lesson] Mindful music, poetry, writing fiction
- [Course Lesson] Creativity as a quality of “Self” in IFS parts work
- [Course Lesson] Embracing the creative process over perfection

Mindfulness and Forgiveness
- [Course Lesson] Practicing forgiveness for healing
- [Course Lesson] Letting go of resentment and anger
- [Course Lesson] The Virtues Project (Forgiveness and Mercy)
- [Course Lesson] Radical Forgiveness
- [Course Lesson] Self-Forgiveness

Mindful Decision-Making
- [Course Lesson] Making decisions mindfully
- [Course Lesson] Decision Making Matrix
- [Course Lesson] Avoiding impulsive choices
- [Course Lesson] Reflective decision-making process
- [Course Lesson] Detecting impulsive parts

Mindfulness of the Inner Child
- [Course Lesson] Exploring internal family systems therapy
- [Course Lesson] Healing the inner child through mindfulness
- [Course Lesson] Getting to Know Exiles (Asking Permission)
- [Course Lesson] Getting to Know Exiles (Witnessing)
- [Course Lesson] Getting to Know Exiles (Parenting)
- [Course Lesson] Getting to Know Exiles (Retrieval)
- [Course Lesson] Self-soothing techniques

Mindfulness and Self-Integration
- [Course Lesson] Integrating fragmented parts of the self
- [Course Lesson] Building self-awareness and harmony
- [Course Lesson] Internal family systems therapy exercises
- [Course Lesson] Strengthening Your Conscious Self – Qualities & Strengths

Mindfulness and Boundaries
- [Course Lesson] Relationship responsibilities and relationship contract rules
- [Course Lesson] Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries
- [Course Lesson] Mindful boundary-setting exercises
- [Course Lesson] Navigating boundary challenges
- [Course Lesson] The Language of Letting Go

Mindfulness of Pleasure
- [Course Lesson] Behavioral Activation – Pleasurable Activities
- [Course Lesson] Savoring life’s pleasures mindfully
- [Course Lesson] Mindful sensory experiences
- [Course Lesson] Mindfulness and Sensate Focus
- [Course Lesson] Cultivating joy and contentment
- [Course Lesson] Character Strengths and Virtues (Temperance)
- [Course Lesson] The Virtues Project (Self-Discipline and Moderation)

Mindfulness and Radical Acceptance
- [Course Lesson] Embracing life as it is
- [Course Lesson] Radical acceptance exercises
- [Course Lesson] Letting go of resistance, ambiguity, and ambivalence
- [Course Lesson] Letting go of denial, rationalization, and justification
- [Course Lesson] Acceptance while allowing consequences and accountability

Mindfulness and Self-Discovery
- [Course Lesson] Capacity for Insight and Awareness
- [Course Lesson] Deepening self-awareness
- [Course Lesson] Reflecting on personal growth
- [Course Lesson] Mindful self-reflection

Mindfulness and Interconnectedness
- [Course Lesson] Exploring interconnectedness through Buddhism
- [Course Lesson] Exploring Intersectionality
- [Course Lesson] Practicing loving-kindness meditation
- [Course Lesson] Cultivating compassion for all beings

Mindfulness and Nature
- [Course Lesson] Connecting with nature mindfully
- [Course Lesson] Mindful outdoor activities
- [Course Lesson] Eco-mindfulness and environmental awareness

Mindfulness and Stress Reduction
- [Video] How stress affects your brain | Madhumita Murgia
- [Video] Stress: Portrait of a Killer | Robert Sapolski (National Geographic Special)
- [Video] The Psychology of Stress | Robert Sapolski
- [Video] Beyond Stress and Anxiety: How Stress Affects the Body | Stanford Health Care
- [Video] How to make stress your friend | Kelly McGonigal
- [Video] DBT Distress Tolerance STOP Skill | Lewis Psychology
- [Video] Using STOP | Dave Potter (Palouse Mindfulness)
- [Video] Tools for Managing Stress & Anxiety | Huberman Lab
- [Video] How Mindfulness Helps Stress – 4 Ways to Do It | Dr. Tracey Marks

Mindfulness and Stress Reduction
- [Course Lesson] What is Stress?
- The Science of Anxiety (Time Magazine Article)
- The Anatomy of Anxiety (Time Magazine Graphic)
- The Anatomy of Fear (Discovery Magazine Graphic)
- Understanding the Stress Response (Harvard Health Publications)
- Harnessing the Upside of Stress (Harvard Health Publications)
- When is Stress good for you? | Bruce McEwen (Aeon)
- STOP Technique – One MInute Breathing Space (Handout)
- The Opportunity of “The Magic Quarter Second” | Tara Brach (Finding True Refuge)
- The Mindful Approach to those very real Butterflies in your Stomach | Jennifer Wolkin
- The Other Brain also Deals with Many Woes | Harriet Brown (New York Times)
- How Does the Vagus Nerve Convey Gut Instincts to the Brain? (Psychology Today)
- [Course Lesson] Advanced stress reduction techniques
- [Course Lesson] Recognizing and Identifying Protector Parts (IFS)
- [Course Lesson] Mindfulness in the workplace
- [Course Lesson] Managing chronic stress mindfully
- [Assignment] Mindfulness Formal Practice Log (Yoga, Sitting Meditation, Body Scan)
- [Assignment] Mindfulness Informal Practice Log (STOP Skills)
- [Book] Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers (Robert Sapolski)
- [Book] Leaves Falling Gently (Susan Bauer-Wu)

Mindfulness and Addictive Behaviors
- [Course Lesson] Mindfulness-based approaches to addiction
- [Course Lesson] Relapse prevention through mindfulness
- [Course Lesson] Building a mindful recovery plan

Advanced Mindfulness and Emotional Regulation
- [Video] Emotional Regulation Skills: ABC + HEAL | Jennifer May, PhD
- [Video] Emotional Regulation Skills: PLEASE | Jennifer May, PhD
- [Video] Emotional Regulation Skills: Check the Facts | Jennifer May, PhD
- [Video] Opposite-to-Emotion Action | Jennifer May, PhD
- [Video] Problem Solving for Emotions | Jennifer May, PhD
- [Video] Emotions, Justifying Events, Problem Solving Actions | Jennifer May, PhD
- [Video] Mindfulness and Acceptance of Emotions | Jennifer May, PhD
- [Video] The Hidden Gifts of Negative Emotions | Jennifer May, PhD
- [Video] Emotional Intelligence and DBT | Jennifer May, PhD
- [Video] From Shame to Self Acceptance | Jennifer May, PhD
- [Video] Anger Thinking vs Calm Thinking | Jennifer May, PhD
- [Video] Developing Patience | Jennifer May, PhD
- [Video] Expanded DBT Skills – SOLVED | Jennifer May, PhD
- [Video] Expanded DBT Skills – ROUTINE | Jennifer May, PhD
- [Video] Emotion Regulation and Acceptance | Greg Dorter (Self Help Toons)
- [Video] Emotions and Physical Sensations | Greg Dorter (Self Help Toons)
- [Video] Opposite Action and Emotion Regulation | Greg Dorter (Self Help Toons)
- [Video] Behavioral Activation – Cope Ahead | Greg Dorter (Self Help Toons)
- [Video] Mindfulness and Radical Acceptance | Greg Dorter (Self Help Toons)
- [Video] Reality Acceptance – Allowing and Letting Be | Greg Dorter (Self Help Toons)
- [Video] Reframing Thoughts with Cognitive Restructuring | Greg Dorter (Self Help Toons)
- [Video] Calm and Regulate Emotions by Checking the Facts | Greg Dorter (Self Help Toons)
- [Video] Problem Solving and Action Plans | Greg Dorter (Self Help Toons)
- [Video] How do we Balance Acceptance with Change? | Greg Dorter (Self Help Toons)
- [Video] Quick Tips to Calm and Regulate Emotions | Greg Dorter (Self Help Toons)
- Emotion Regulation is Associated with Well-Being, Income, and Socioeconomic Status
- Emotion Regulation (Psychology Today) Peer Reviewed
- Why emotional self-regulation is important (Medical News Today, 2022) Peer Reviewed
- Advanced emotion regulation strategies (Positive Psychology)
- [Course Lesson] Mindfulness for managing intense emotions
- [Course Lesson] Mindful self-soothing techniques

Mindfulness of Trauma
- [Course Lesson] Trauma-informed mindfulness practices
- [Course Lesson] Healing trauma through mindfulness
- [Course Lesson] Safety and self-compassion in trauma recovery
- [Course Lesson] Soothing triggered trauma exiles

Mindfulness and Radical Self-Acceptance
- [Course Lesson] Embracing all aspects of the self
- [Course Lesson] IFS: Introduction to the concept of “No Bad Parts” (Richard Schwartz)
- [Course Lesson] IFS: Introduction to the concept of “Unattached Burdens” (Robert Falconer)
- [Course Lesson] Cultivating radical self-acceptance
- [Course Lesson] Self-compassion as a lifelong practice
- [Course Lesson] IFS Self qualities exploration

Mindfulness and Aging
- [Course Lesson] Mindfulness for graceful aging
- [Course Lesson] Acceptance of life cycles and faith exploration
- [Course Lesson] Coping with the challenges of aging mindfully
- [Course Lesson] Finding wisdom in growing older

Mindfulness and Sleep
- [Course Lesson] Mindfulness for better sleep
- [Course Lesson] Sleep hygiene and relaxation techniques
- [Course Lesson] Overcoming insomnia through mindfulness

Mindfulness and Resilient Mindset
- [Course Lesson] Cultivating a resilient mindset
- [Course Lesson] Mindfulness in times of adversity
- [Course Lesson] Building inner strength
- [Course Lesson] Finding your inner guide

Mindfulness and Mind-Body Connection
- [Course Lesson] Exploring the mind-body connection
- [Course Lesson] Mindfulness and physical health
- [Course Lesson] Body scan and mindful movement

Mindfulness and Goals Revisited
- Reviewing and adjusting mindful goals
- Staying aligned with values
- Mindful goal setting for the future

Mindfulness and Social Engagement
- Mindfulness in community and activism
- Promoting social change through mindfulness
- Advocacy and alliance
- Compassionate activism

Mindfulness and Organization
- Executive Functions
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- [Video] Create a ROUTINE for Calmness & Stability | Jennifer May, PhD

Mindfulness and Endings
- Mindful closure and endings
- Reflecting on the journey
- Preparing for the journey ahead
- Developing a life long practice of your own

Integration and Ongoing Practice Videos
- [Video] Gratitude | David Steindl-Rast)
- [Video] Love Letters | Kaira Jewel Lingo
- [Video] The 365 Grateful Project | Hailey Bartholomew
- [Video] How My Son Ruined My Life | Selma & James Baraz
- [Video] Listening as an Act of Love | Jon Kabat-Zinn
- [Video] Grand Central Station | Sharon Salzberg
- [Video] The Happy Secret to Better Work | Shawn Achor
- [Video] Happiness | Tara Brach
- [Video] Mindfulness is Not A Crystal Ball | Susan Kaiser Greenland
- [Video] Blowing Bubbles | Sharon Salzberg
- [Video] Sanctuary | Jack Kornfield
- [Video] The Habits of Happiness | Matthieu Ricard

Integration and Ongoing Practice
- Review and integrate all learned practices
- Continued mindfulness practice and self-reflection
- Deepening a Personal Meditation Practice (Jon Kabat-Zinn)
- Suggestions for Daily Practice (Jon Kabat-Zinn)
- In the Service of Life (Rachel Naomi Remen)
- The Rabbi’s Gift (M. Scott Peck)
- [Book] Thanks – How Practicing Gratitude Can Make You Happier (Robert Emmons)
- Layers of Awareness diagram (Dave Potter, Palouse Mindfulness)

Throughout the program, we will incorporate guided meditations, discussions, journaling assignments, practical exercises, and processing. I will endeavor to encourage you to share your experiences and support your changes and growth. I will strive to always provide a safe and compassionate space for exploration and healing.
I have cited my sources and have provided references for the various mindfulness-based approaches and techniques I incorporate into each section of the course. For a complete list of references (APA format), refer to the bibliography page. This comprehensive years-long mindfulness master class will undoubtedly empower you to enhance your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Additional Reading and Suggestions:
- The Body Keeps the Score (Bessel van Der Kolk)
- Polyvagal Theory (Stephen Porges)
- Somatic Experiencing (Peter Levine)
- Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (Pat Ogden, Janina Fisher)
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy (Marsha Linehan)
- Internal Family Systems Theory (Richard Schwartz)
- No Bad Parts (Richard Schwartz)
- Self Therapy (Jay Earley)
- Parts Work (Tom Holmes)
- The Others Within Us (Robert Falconer)
- Full Catastrophe Living (Jon Kabat Zin)
- Radical Acceptance (Tara Brach, 2003)
Additional Resources
- Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (Jon Kabat Zin, Mindsight Institute)
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy (Lane Pederson)
- Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (Segal, Williams, Teasdale)
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (Hayes, Strosahl, Wilson)
- How to Transform Your Life (Geshe Kelsang Gyotso)
- Emotional Agility: Get Unstuck, Embrace Change, and Thrive (Susan David, 2016)
- Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life (Marshall Rosenberg, 2003)